Monday, March 10, 2008

Why I need a nap every day

Because I'm 40 years old and trying to chase around an almost-18-month-old. And because I'm a stay-at-home Mom and I can't make ends meet financially right now. And because I want to have another baby, even though I'm scared to death my eggs are all too old. Especially since the baby I have came out perfect, even though I was 39 when I delivered, so the odds are against that happening again. And I wonder where we'll get the money for another one, when we are barely scraping by while I stay home with this one.

Every day when my son goes down for his nap, somewhere around 1 or 1:30, I lay down for thirty minutes. Some days it's even less, but never more. I don't allow myseft THAT much luxury. But my small toes-up keeps me going through the rest of the day. And I guess helps me stay positive through all the worries floating around in my head. When I play with my son, I mean really sit down and focus all attention on him and him alone, those worries completely disappear. Which tells me I should do that more often.

But now I have to stop typing, and go wake him up. The two hours is up!

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